Mechanical Engineer Resume Example & Tips for 2025
Several of the components within the device you are using to access this article was developed by mechanical engineers. In fact, it can be argued that every piece of equipment used today – from the car you drive to the television you watch- includes engineers' skills and talents. While technology continues to evolve, the need for talented mechanical engineers is quickly growing. And to retain these jobs, you'll need an exceptional mechanical engineer resume.
Mechanical engineering is a broad-scope profession that includes manufacturing, automotive, biomedical, aerospace, marine, aerospace, and power generation specialties. While each segment has its own certifications, required education, and job qualifications, formatting a mechanical engineer resume follows the exact blueprint.
Suppose you've read some other mechanical engineering resume examples but haven't received the practical steps on how to construct the finished product. In that case, this article will be beneficial for you. The information below will provide the definitive guide to writing a mechanical skills resume.
We'll explore some of the unique differences between writing an entry level mechanical engineer resume and one for an experienced professional. We will also provide you with a mechanical engineer resume example and break down each section to provide helpful hints on word choice, format, and structure.
So, if you're ready to learn how to write a resume for a mechanical engineer, let's get started.
Mechanical Engineer Resume Sample
Every engineer understands the importance of a plan. Regardless of the scope or size of a project, the best mechanical engineers take time to analyze the objectives, goals, hurdles, budgets, and every variable before starting. Fortunately, writing mechanical engineering resumes is not this complex. In fact, this is what tends to confuse many job candidates as they can overthink the process. This is especially true with senior-level mechanical engineering resumes.
The truth is that the project's size or scope is irrelevant when it comes to creating the structure of your resume. The sample resume for the mechanical engineer posted below is an excellent example of the same primary sections you'll include with any specialty.
Take some time to review this mechanical engineer resume example, paying close attention to the layout, style, and some of the creative wording we've used to communicate skills, experience, and technical jargon. This sample is a mythical resume for a candidate named Jason Alexander – who is applying for an automotive mechanical engineering position for an electric vehicle manufacturer in Austin, Texas.
Engineering jobs are not generally advertised on search engine sites like general labor jobs. In most situations, qualified people in the field will contact suitable individuals locally to fill the opening if a position becomes available.
However, this isn't always the case. And whether you're using a job board to advertise your position or submitting your application to a small number of people, you'll need a good-written resume and likely a cover letter to go with it.
When you read the entire sample resume from start to finish, you'll notice that it tells a story – outlining Steve's desire to join the automotive manufacturer in Texas that focuses on electric vehicle manufacturing. His engineering resume starts with a professionally written resume summary, followed by his two previous engineering employment in the automotive sector - one OEM and another aftermarket part manufacturer.
His curriculum highlights his most important education, three professional endorsements from skilled employees in the field, certifications, and a set of talents necessary to be a great problem solver.
How to Write a Good Resume for Mechanical Engg in 2024: Full Guide to Mechanical Engineering Resumes
While there are several specialties in the engineering world, resumes should follow a similar format. Your specifics included in the resume must be customized to fit the exact requirements. Nevertheless, writing a resume is all about following a structure and a plan that will help you organize the content.
We advise creating your resume on a word document. This will be your Master Resume or a working document where you can list all sections, add content, edit the sentences and bullet points, and finally format it if you don't use a mechanical engineer resume template.
Creating a few primary sections in bold type and a larger font if desired is a good idea after you've completed your document. The following are the important sections that all engineering position resumes must include. Each portion will be discussed in detail below.
- Personal Contact Information
- Resume Summary or Resume Objective
- Work History (Relevant Experience)
- Education
- Certifications
- Skills
- References
Now that you've a good foundation for writing your resume let's break down each primary section to explain what and why for adding content.
Section #1 – Contact Information
A sound engineer must be consistent. When you submit your application, resume, and cover letter, you'll get the first chance to demonstrate this. All three documents must contain the same contact information.
While this makes sense, you'd be shocked at how many job prospects provide two different email addresses or phone numbers on their application versus their resume. The main reason is that most individuals write a resume once and use the same document for future employment opportunities. They've likely moved during that time, which introduces a potential conflict in data.
This is a real-world example of overthinking the content of a resume. Taking the easy route, on occasion, is usually the most effective solution. Steve has provided his complete name, physical address, email address, and mobile phone number in the sample resume above.
We can't see his application, so we'll take him at face value. We'll assume that the information indicated in his mechanical engineering resume is correct. Unless specifically requested for more information, such as social media accounts — particularly LinkedIn - this basic contact data suffices.
How to Format this Section
We created this sample resume using one of our mechanical engineer resume templates. Using the template allows you to customize and edit all the content to ensure it's grammatically accurate and paste it into each section. This makes formatting simple, structured, clean, and professional appearing, ready for you to apply for mechanical engineering jobs.
Section #2 – Resume Summary
A mechanical engineer's resume objective or a resume summary is a written elevator pitch that outlines the information covered in your application and CV below. However, this is an excellent opportunity to provide further details that might pique the reader's attention, automated technology solutions, and – hopefully - the hiring manager's interest.
The best way to structure this section is to write down those hard and soft skills crucial for being an exceptional mechanical engineer within your master resume document. A few soft skills that hiring managers look for in every engineer include:
- Problem Solving
- Organization
- Analytic Thinking
- Multitasking
- Problem Solving
- Strong communication skills
Hard skill is an ability you possess to help you with your daily responsibilities. These are typically technology or equipment-driven skills, including:
- CAD / AutoCAD Engineering Software
- Conceptional, Physical, Logical Data Modeling
- Process Management
- Advanced Physics
- Structural Analysis
- Computer Science
Once you've gathered your list of skills that you possess and are relevant to this job, it's time to choose your path. Are you writing an entry-level resume for a mechanical engineering student resume or an experienced candidate?
To simply this choice, we'll provide two different samples.
Entry Level Resume Summary
Let's assume Steve is writing an entry-level resume. You'll notice that in the first sentence, Steve has expressed his interest in applying for the specific job he is being interviewed. This introduces another practical example of being detail-oriented. Going the extra effort to show that type of personalization is the first item that can separate your resume from the stack of other candidates.
As you continue the resume summary, you'll notice he lists his recently completed education, current certifications, and those hard and soft skills relevant to this industry and job. Finally, the rest of his resume explains the interpersonal skills that make him a great employee and teammate.
Experienced Resume Summary
Now, let's change it up to show you how Steve's opening statement would look if he were an experienced applicant. You'll notice initially that the first sentence is the same. However, he showcases his previous years of experience and critical accomplishments instead of focusing on his education and certifications. He finishes the resume summary by displaying his interpersonal skills – just like the entry-level position.
How to Format this Section
Writing this portion of your resume in a professional yet calm tone is always preferable. Please see the preceding example for a practical illustration of this writing style. Having a resume summary that is no longer than 150 words is essential.
Read it out loud several times to make sure it sounds natural. The critical point is that the resume summary should read as if you're talking to the potential employer (or as if you're speaking directly to them).
Section #3 – Relevant Experience
Like the contact section, the employment history should match what you've stated in an application. This is to ensure uniformity, which leads to honesty and transparency. We propose listing your most recent projects relevant to the role you're seeking for a mechanical engineer. However, before selecting your previous jobs, it’s a great idea to review the job description to ensure you have the relevant experience they seek.
In Steve's sample resume above, you'll notice that he has documented two previous jobs – all serving as mechanical design engineers for automotive manufacturing companies. They are listed in reverse chronological order (or current to oldest). You'll want to add the company's name, the dates of employment, its location, and a few key bullet points of job duties – or areas where you accomplished success.
He also lists three bullet points of fundamental job duties that showcase his engineering skills, including designing and developing prototypes, supervising computer-aided design (CAD) projects from junior engineers, and developing engineering plans from concept to testing and completion.
This will give the company an idea of your practical work experience – especially if they are looking for someone with your experience. However, the diversity of his two previous positions makes him a desirable candidate – as he has a lot of potential to take on multiple jobs.
How to Format this Section
In the relevant experience section, you should list the business's name, location, dates of employment, and a few bullet points of your responsibilities. Don't write paragraphs in your bullet points; keep it to a few words. You'll have a great chance to expand on your relevant experience during an interview – which is the point of writing a great resume.
Section #4 – Education
The education section is crucial, and it can't be overstated. While many job seekers believe that they should list their educational history from elementary to doctorate degree, the fact is that employers simply care about the highest level of study completed.
Our mythical candidate Steve has listed his highest level of education – a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering earned from The Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. There is no need to add his Bachelor of Science GPA or specific courses, or awards earned on your best resume. You want your practical work experience, certifications, or relevant skills to tell your story.
How to Format this Section
The information you need to post in your education section is simple. Just list the name of the school, its location, dates, and the degree, diploma, or certificate earned. This will be acceptable for both hiring managers and recruiters for engineering design resumes.
Section #5– Certifications
This section will vary based on the type of mechanical engineer position you're hoping to retain. Most private sector jobs will not require a specific certification or license. These are typical requirements for public-sector engineering tasks – such as government work. However, certifications in certain mechanical engineering specialties or manufacturing processes help gain a competitive advantage.
Some of the critical certifications you may want to list on your resume include:
- CAD and Digital Manufacturing
- Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
- Certified Manufacturing Engineer (CMfgE)
- Certified Quality Engineer (CQE)
- Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP)
So – how do you go about putting this section together? It's straightforward. List all your current certifications - that's all there is to it. The key is to include those relevant to the job you're applying for. For example, Steve is a candidate for an automotive mechanical engineer position. As such, his certifications are notated that reflect this expertise.
How to Format this Section
As the Certification section can be expansive, it's a good idea to format this simply. We recommend following the format in Steve's sample – listing the certification's name, date, and applicable expiration dates.
Section #6 - References
You should follow the instructions in the relevant experience section when picking your references. Choose those who are most relevant to the position you want. We strongly advise providing three professional recommendations for those you've previously worked for.
Steve did this in his perfect resume above, as you can see. He has included two previous senior engineers with whom he previously worked on his CV. While a personal reference might be helpful for this position, we feel that listing professional references is superior.
How to Format this Section
For the reference section, you document your reference's first and last name, their place of employment, and the phrase "available upon request." This will keep their contact information private unless the law firm you are applying to join is requested.
Section #6 – Skills
For a job that requires advanced education, listing your skills on the resume is more of a formality than a vital inclusion. However, since it's best practice to include it with your engineering resume, why not take advantage of some automated applicant tracking system software solutions?
With the skills section, your primary goal is to select action verbs relevant to the mechanical engineering position you hope to retain. When you review Steve's sample resume, you'll notice that he has listed six relevant skills in his job search.
He mainly focuses on his soft skills or engineering-specific talents, including hard and interpersonal skills that make him competent, reliable, and a solid team player that will collaborate with all stakeholders.
How to Format this Section
In bullet-point format, list your mechanical engineer resume skills in your master resume. From that point, you can add them to a template – making them easy to read and seamlessly into your resume builder. This resume format not only makes it easy to review, it keeps the document shorter.
Other Related Resume Templates
The importance of research is evident to every engineer. While we are sure you have all you will need to write a fantastic mechanical engineering resume, it's always a good idea to look at some more valuable samples.
Therefore, we've assembled several related engineering resume templates for you to review. Take some time to review the sample resumes posted below. Feel free to incorporate some ideas into your resume if it fits.
Engineering Resume (link when done)
Electrical Engineering Resume (link when done)
Engineering Manager Resume (link when done)
Civil Engineer Resume (link when done)
Manufacturing Engineer Resume (link when done)
Machine Learning Engineer Resume (link when done)
Final Points on Mechanical Engineer Resumes
As an engineer, you've trained hard to devise practical solutions to problems by following an established process. Hopefully, after reading this article, you understand that following our process is just as simple as writing an excellent resume for a mechanical engineer.
The most essential thing we want you to take away from this article is the need for consistency and attention to detail. You might craft the most beautiful resume to persuade the sternest reader to weep. Still, if your real-world experience doesn't add up – or if it differs significantly from what's detailed on your application or cover letter – this can raise flags.
Make sure your contact information, previous employment history, and education exactly match what you've stated on your application or cover letter. Also, properly edit the resume using Grammarly or a comparable online editor.
Here are some final tips to consider.
- Always write your resume on a plain white background with black font.
- Edit the document SEVERAL TIMES – through Grammarly and then share it with a few peers to gain their perspective.
- Ensure it's well-spaced, organized, and professional.
- Finally, read it aloud a few times before you're ready to paste the content into a template for office assistants.
When you follow these tips and use a professional resume template, your mechanical engineer resume will look great, read well, and hopefully gain you that all-important interview.