Store Manager Resume Examples & Writing Tips for 2025

When you send in a store manager resume, you want to be sure that you show off your skills. Recruiters need to see that you’re proficient with budgeting, merchandising, and leading the people around you. Without managers to ensure things are done right, a retail store could run into problems. That’s why your resume should focus on the things that truly matter.

As you consider the right resume format to use and what information to include, think like the hiring manager. As a store manager, you’re overseeing others who can make or break customer interactions. You need to show that you have all the skills necessary to do that with ease in a fast-paced environment with lots of moving parts.

Focusing on skills like conflict resolution, problem-solving, and decision-making will get you part of the way there. However, every position is different, and being aware of the relevant keywords in the job description plays a part too. Make it clear you offer what the company needs and you’ll be on your way to moving forward in the hiring process.

Not sure where to begin? This guide will walk you through the process. You’ll find out how to craft the resume, where to place emphasis, and more. Just follow the process and you’ll be doing better than many other people that are applying for the same position that you are.

Retail Store Manager Resume Sample

One of the best ways to get an idea of how you craft your resume is by looking at retail store manager resume examples. You can get a good idea of what a hiring manager expects to see in a visual format. It gives you insight into what retail store manager resumes examples include and what they don’t.

As you move through this guide, you’ll see several retail store manager resume samples to use as inspiration. You can also download these in PDF form so you can go from the template to your resume as you complete the professional document. When you have tools and inspiration to guide you, it’s much easier to create an outstanding store manager resume.

Below is the first of our resume examples for a customer service call center or retail job. You can see all the most common sections on this kind of resume so you don’t miss anything important. We’ll even share how to format each part so you are sure to choose the most professional options as you work.

Take a look at the image below, download a copy, and then keep reading. You’ll get all the details you need for an excellent store manager resume. Don’t be surprised if it helps you into an interview chair for the next steps.

Store Manager Resume Example

Download This Resume Example

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How to Write a Good Resume for Store Manager in 2024: Full Store Management Resume Guide

There are several things to be aware of when creating a store manager job description resume. The first is what you should make sure is included. Reading over the job description thoroughly is the initial step you should take when building a professional retail store manager resume. Make sure you include all the details recruiters and hiring managers expect to see from you.

One of the most crucial things is adding in keywords. Why is this important? Most businesses use applicant tracking systems. These are a type of technology that can read a resume for a retail store manager and see if certain keywords related to the job are included.

The keywords that are essential to the job need to be a part of your retail store manager resume summary. However, you don’t just want to insert a bunch of words with no rhyme or reason. Make sure to weave in appropriate skills and abilities throughout the resume for the human who reads it after the system decides you are a great candidate.

As we move on, you’ll see several sections used in the best store manager resumes. These include personal contact information, a resume objective, job experience, educational background, skills, and a set of references. Below, we’ll walk you through how to build each of these sections for a resume that can’t be beaten.

Section 1: Personal Information

You might want to jump in and talk about your retail management experience, but first, the company you apply to needs your contact information. We’ll get to the skills and experience soon, but for now, you want to share who you are. The personal information section is essential and also happens to be simple to write. It’s a great way to get started with your resume to move into more challenging sections.

Personal Information Example

Personal Information Example

As you can see in the image above, you aren’t giving details about your years of experience in customer experience or e-commerce. The only items that are needed here are your name, where you are based, and how to contact you. A hiring manager will come back to this after reading the resume to find a way to get in touch with you. That means making mistakes should be avoided. Proofread and make sure everything is accurate.

Start by placing your name in an easy-to-read font. You’ll also want to include two ways to reach you, such as a phone number and email address. Be sure the email address you use is professional and suited for the job application process. If it isn’t, make a new one if needed so you come across as someone serious about making a good impression on the person reading the resume.

How to Format This Section

No matter where you’re applying, the personal information section remains the same. It should be easy for a hiring manager to glean information from. There’s no need to add extra details, such as social media links, unless the job posting asks for it. A name and contact information are pretty much all that is required here.

However, make sure the colors and fonts look good together. You want to make it simple to read for anyone. Traditional fonts and non-clashing colors are the best routes to go here. Stay simple and move on to the next section.

Section 2: Resume Objective

The store manager resume objective is the next section to focus on. This is where you can talk about smashing sales targets, increasing profitability, and creating higher sales goals through your skills. For a store manager resume, you want to sell yourself as the best person for the job by including your accomplishments. Share your abilities here but consider something else – be concise.

Once someone reads the resume objective, it will give them a reason to keep reading or decide not to. That’s why you need to sell yourself in this section. Show the hiring manager why you’re the person for the job. You can consider this a written elevator speech if that better explains the purpose of the section.

Resume Objective Example

Resume Objective Example

You can see the example shop manager resume above and how it focuses on the applicant’s best skills and more impressive accomplishments. Think of this as the header to the rest of your information about education and employment. Whether you’re moving from a sales associate position to management or have been managing for years, focus on what sets you apart.

Talk about how you’ve changed things in the past and made an impact on companies. That could be by keeping associates abreast of company policies to increase sales or adding an innovative technique to the workplace that helps with customer satisfaction.

How to Format This Section

For a professional resume in a retail management setting, make sure you focus on your management skills and leadership skills. Add some of your top skills assuming they are included in the job description. Then make sure to quantify your abilities by adding numbers. You can see how that is done by looking at the sample above. Do the same using your achievements. This should be no more than two to four sentences.

Section 3: Professional Work Experience

Any store manager responsibilities resume has to include your work history. This is where you delve into that and share what you are capable of due to experience. The work experience section is designed to give you a chance to show how competitive you are so a manager is interested in learning more.

Store manager duties for a resume are included here, but if you are new to the position, you can use other means to show your skills. Keep in mind that this is where a hiring manager typically looks next after the resume objective, so you want to make sure it’s descriptive and useful. Use action verbs as much as possible to make your resume pack a punch.

Professional Work Experience Example

Professional Work Experience Example

The experience section of the store manager description for a resume should outline other management positions you’ve had. If there are none, add in other retail or leadership positions you have held in the past. Those with lots of experience can pick and choose what to include to show their competencies and abilities. Read the sample above to get an idea of how to frame what your responsibilities were.

How to Format This Section

In most cases, you’ll use a reverse chronological order for the experience section. List jobs starting with the most recent and then going back in time. For those without much experience, a functional resume can be used. This focuses more on skills than employment. In either case, make sure to include what experience you have. Start with the job title and add bullet points for each of the tasks you did at the company.

Section 4: Education

Whether you have a high school diploma or a bachelor’s degree in business administration, it’s something that should be included in your store manager resume. The same goes for any certifications you might have picked up throughout your professional career. While not all jobs require a degree, they should be added if you have one. In this case, there’s no need to include high school information.

Work experience is essential but education is also important to recruiters. It’s another way to see what you know and are capable of. Check the requirements on the job description and make sure to include your highest degree. There’s no need to go into details unless you have little to no work history and want to give a hiring manager additional information.

Education Example

Education Example

As you can see, a convenience store manager resume doesn’t need a ton of information about the degree. In this case, you see where the degree came from, what type of degree it was, and the major of the degree. In most cases, nothing else needs to be added. If this person also had certifications, they could be added as well. A reverse-chronological format is ideal here just as it is for your work experience.

How to Format This Section

The education section for an assistant store manager resume is formatted in a simple way. All you need to do is include the information about degrees or certifications. If you happen to be new to the work world, other details can be added. For instance, you could include your GPA, any honors you received, or other details that pertain to the degree. However, make sure it’s useful for the job and not just something used to fill space.

Section 5: Skills

The right store manager resume skills are essential to top off your resume. The skills section is a specific area to add those things, especially if they aren’t already included in your experience and education areas of the resume. Consider things like conflict resolution, dependability, time management, and problem-solving. Add in other things based on the job. For instance, if you’ll be working with computers, skills in that area can be useful to include.

At the same time, you don’t want to go overboard with store manager skills for a resume. There’s no need for a huge list that a hiring manager needs to read through. Select the skills you are best at that pertain to the job. Both of those things need to be considered. Since you only want to use a few slots on skills, they should be things you excel at and things you would typically do on the job.

Skills Example

Skills Example

You can look above to get an example of a short skills section for a resume. Your store manager job description for the resume will help you decide what to include. For instance, you might want to note that you’re proficient with a certain POS, retail sales, employee or customer retention, and inventory management.

Another person might find they want to focus on time management, problem-solving, pricing, and other abilities. One way to do this is by making a list. Jot down all of your skills without thinking too hard about it. Once you have the list, look at which skills are included in the job description. Then take those skills and narrow them down to the ones that you are good at. Those are the best choice for a sales manager resume.

How to Format This Section

Several formats can be used to create the best resume skills section. Use the one above for an easy method to show your relevant skills like sales goals and how good you are at each of them. This is a sure way to make your job application stand out when the resume hits a boss’ desk. However, you can use other formats to show the same information. Just avoid using too much space or making the section hard to understand for whoever is doing the hiring.

Section 6: References

The last section of your sales manager resume is the reference area. While you won’t be jotting down your key skills, like customer satisfaction or managing a sales team, that doesn’t mean you should leave out this important information. The references section is made to show that others are willing to vouch for you and your abilities.

The basic thing to be aware of is that recruiters want to know you have leadership skills. They want to be aware that you can handle a retail environment with ease. Talking to other people who know your skills and have seen you in action can be a great way to nudge you into an interview against others who are trying to get the job.

References Example

References Example

Above you can see one method of adding references to a grocery store manager resume. While this is the last section of the resume, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have some thought put into it. You can see the sales manager above placed work-based references, but that isn’t required. You can add in professors, teachers, and other people who know your character well.

Most of the time, three references are recommended but you can add up to five or so without making the section too long. However, if the job application recommends a certain amount, defer to that other any other instructions. When possible, choose people from different companies to show you are capable no matter where you work.

How to Format This Section

For a store manager position, the format for references is straightforward. List people who know your hard or soft skills and who can share that with a hiring manager. Include their name, place of employment, and contact information, or include the name and company but note that the contact information can be provided upon request. This is a good method to keep information private until it’s needed, which your references are sure to appreciate.

Another option is including just the note that references can be provided but the middle ground tends to be best. It shows you have references lined up but want to know they are needed before that information is sent to anyone.

Other Related Resume Templates

Now that you have everything ready to place in a resume, there are a few choices. You can open up Word or Google Docs and create a resume from scratch. This will give you control over the entire process. On the other hand, it can be challenging to build an aesthetically pleasing resume that has all the info and may take up hours of your time.

On the other hand, you can use a store manager resume template. Try the one linked in this article or look at others that meet your needs. We have a variety of resume templates that you can browse and adapt for your needs. A few changes and you could have the best resume that ends up in the office.

Some of the options that might work for you include the following:

·       Retail Sales Associate Resume

·       Office Manager Resume

·       Restaurant Manager Resume

·       Customer Service Resume

·       Sales Manager Resume

All you have to do is pick a template and fill it in with your information. Once you finish, proofread for spelling and grammar issues before you send it in. If you want an extra tool to help, try Grammarly to catch pesky issues you may not on your own. Once you’re done, you’ll have a retail store manager resume you can count on.

Final Points on Writing a Successful Resume for Retail Stores

At this point, you have the perfect resume for the position you want. Congratulations! If you haven’t made a cover letter for the retail industry position, that’s the next step in the process. Tailor and personalize it to the job specifically for the best chance of success. When a professional resume and cover letter, you’ll stand out among the other candidates.

The use of a resume template can make it easier to apply for jobs, especially if you are interested in more than one. Easily add your information, move sections where you want, add additional information, and more. Take a look at our options and choose the one that works best for your needs. You can use it again with a few tweaks for the next job you find in your wheelhouse!

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